Training and CPD For Psychotherapy And Counselling
Bob Cooke is Psychotherapist, Trainer, Consultant and Supervisor with an international reputation. In 1987 he founded the Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy (to the present day), of which he is the director. He is also responsible for the Institute’s training programme and oversees trainees from first year to full clinical membership of the UKCP. Read more about Bob here.
I run supervision and therapy intensive training and CPD which you can read more about here.
I have many Psychotherapy videos you can watch and subscribe to over on my YouTube channel here.
I have started a new exciting Podcast called 'The Therapy Show - Behind Closed Doors', which you can listen to here.
Therapy Examples
Here Bob demonstrates some therapy examples with his students.
TA Made Simple
Bob talks through the theory behind TA and breaks it down into an easy to understand format.
Book Reviews
Here Bob reviews popular Psychotherapy + Counselling books.

Transactional Analysis And Ego States
Transactional Analysis is first and foremost a therapeutic tool for positive change and growth. It can be used either in therapy for the individual concerned

Relationship Therapy And Object Relations Within A Therapy Session
Relationship methods and techniques, as well as Object Relation ideas, are described throughout the therapy session outlined in the article. Also they are analysed and

Multiple Personality Disorder – Treatment Plan
The Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder or what today is called Dissociative Identity Disorder, is a complex and sophisticated process. The client who presents with

Transference – A Human Encounter
If we look at the Greek definition of Transference, we can see that the word means in that context ‘to carry across’. For some, Transference

Relationship Therapy – A Prerequisite For Therapists (and Clients)
Freud postulated that human beings instinctively followed certain drives throughout their lives, namely the drives for pleasure (Eros), sexuality (Libido) and death (Thantos). The premise

Becoming A Psychotherapist
What makes an Competent Psychotherapist ? How does one develop a sense of Professional Identity? Both as a past trainee, a Psychotherapist and Trainer of Psychotherapists

7–Effective Habits For A Seasoned Psychotherapist
With the growth of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counselling in the 21st century we have witnessed the growth of the Psychotherapists and Counsellors. Indeed, at the

Standards And Outcomes For Transactional Analysts
For a while now, I have been meaning to do a blog on the Standards and Outcomes for Transactional Analysts to consider when working with

Transactional Analysis, Gestalt Therapy and Integrative Therapy-The Therapies of the Modern Age.
Transactional Analysis, Gestalt Therapy and Integrative Therapy are three of the most popular and important Psychotherapies of the last 50 years. Eric Berne, Fritz pearls and the

Transactional Analysis – What Is It?
Transactional Analysis can be defined as many things, first and foremost it is a philosophy that begins with the belief that each of us is fundamentally OK whilst

Shame – The Forgotten Emotion
Shame, more than any other emotion, can be seen as the enemy within. It is for many the forgotten emotion. Indeed in research for this

What Do You Say After You Say Goodbye?
It seems ironic in some ways that 38 years after I was adopted, following my birth mother’s death and birth father’s desertion, I am writing