Bob Cooke TSTA runs a Certificate in Supervision from the Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy- 454 ~Barlow Moor Road, Chorlton, Manchester, M21 1BQ.
This accredited Certificate in Supervision is run three times a year and has become an integral part of the training programme at the Institute.
The course is run over a three month period and comprises of five single days over this time period.
This exciting Supervision Certificate is extremely popular and has been running for over 10 years.
Within the Certificate in Supervision we will be looking at the meanings and definitions of Supervision as it applies in your field of work whether you work individually or in a group setting, in Psychotherapy, Counselling or in areas of Social Work, Nursing, Clinical Psychology or Psychiatry, or indeed any of the caring professions.
The course is experiential and didactic in nature and theory outcomes are met by demonstration and practice.
Therefore, there are no essays or written work to fulfil as the tutor will be able to judge competency by demonstration and practice.
Bob Cooke, who is the trainer and runs the Supervision Certificate is an experienced Psychotherapist, Supervisor, and Freelance Trainer.
He also runs a comprehensive training programme in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy at MIP.
Module One:
This module will explore the philosophical concepts of supervision, what it is in relation to the work you do. We will look at the goals and outcomes of the methods used and explore how it applies to each member of the group.
Module Two:
Here we will look at the ‘process model’ of supervision put forward by Hawkins and Shoet in their book on supervision called “Supervision in the helping profession” 1989. This is an excellent model for mapping out where you are in the supervisory process. You can also use this model as a Parallel process model.
Module Three:
In this module we will look at the different tasks of supervision and specifically the gate keeping process within supervision. We will also examine the notion of the Parallel process in supervision.
Module Four:
Here we will look at the developmental aspect of supervision.
We will look at the developmental models of Richard Erskine, Delworth, and Stoltenburg, as a guide to how we may approach the supervision process.
Module Five:
In this module we will bring together the various strands of what we have been looking at in the previous modules, and hopefully find an integrative view of supervision which will suit your own particular style.