Transactional Analysis, Gestalt Therapy and Integrative Therapy-The Therapies of the Modern Age.

Transactional Analysis, Gestalt Therapy and Integrative Therapy are three of the most popular and important Psychotherapies of the last 50 years.

Eric Berne, Fritz pearls and the Integrative theorists, have been at the forefront of Psychotherapy within the Humanistic era.

Transactional Analysis has become one of the fastest-growing Psychotherapies in the  UK. Gestalt psychotherapy and Integrative Psychotherapy, are also well known Therapeutic models. Indeed many of the trainees of Psychotherapy within the United Kingdom have been attracted by the above Psychotherapies.

Transactional Analysis has its origins in the Psychodynamic world of Therapies, it can be used for long-term or short-term Psychotherapy ,and its Parent, Adult, and Child, model is well known to most of the practitioners within the Psychotherapy world and beyond. The PAC model is an accessible model for both the public and mental health practitioners alike.

Also the Structural and Functional models of the PAC are useful for clinical work, as well as helping the client understanding how to change their behaviours.

Transactional Analysis is well known in the UK ,and  has its own thriving TA community. This community is now called the United kingdom Association of Transactional Analysis, and has taken the place of the Institute of Transactional  which was first formed in 1979.

The membership of this community is over 1000 members,and growing as we speak. Transactional analysis is also a accessible language for the client to understand complex psychological terms. Everyone has had a Parent, has an Adult, and has had a Child. In Transactional Analysis these parts of the Self are called Ego states.

Some people see this Personality model as a separate division of Three, in other words every moment we are coming from one of these three Ego states. It is if  we have three parts of the Self, and to become aware of which part of the Self we are operating from is a vital in terms of Psychological change.

There are at least four approaches to modern day Transactional Analysis

1.The  Classical school

2. The Redecision school

3 The Integrative school

4 The Relational school

Though many practitioners of Transactional Analysis may call themselves devotees or influenced by one specific school, most call themselves Transactional Analysts if they think Ego states, Transactional Analysis proper, Games, and Script.

These four aspects of theory make up the major segments of the theoretical planks of Transactional Analysis, first written by Eric Berne, the originator of transactional analysis in 1961, these ideas have been carried on, and enhanced throughout time.

Other ideas of course have been added on to the main body of theory in Transactional Analysis.For many people interested in Transactional Analysis, The TA 101 introduction workshop in Transactional Analysis is the major step for further learning. After this ,those people who might  be interested in training to be a Transactional Analyst, may be interested in the four-year Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy Training Course.

This course is taught at the Manchester Institute of Psychotherapy, as well as other centres throughout the United Kingdom.

Gestalt  Psychotherapy and Integrative Psychotherapy are also well known Psychotherapy modalities and people interested in these modalities can take further training in the above areas.

Fritz Pearls was the originator of Gestalt psychotherapy and Richard Erskine is a well-known innovator in the area of Integrative Psychotherapy in the UK and internationally. Transactional  Analysis, Gestalt Psychotherapy, and the Integrative models make up the very fabric of the Psychotherapy world in the 21st-century.

Bob Cooke

Bob Cooke

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Bob Cooke is Psychotherapist, Trainer, Consultant and Supervisor with an international reputation.  In 1987 he founded the Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy (to the present day), of which he is the director. He is also responsible for the Institute’s training programme and oversees trainees from first year to full clinical membership of the UKCP.

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